scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the
right questions.”
Claude Lévi-Strauss
happens when life starts seeking answers. When it starts throwing out a query to the Cosmos.
argued that science comes to a grinding halt the moment questions vanish from
its play field. This is equally true for life as well. Questions define our growth,progress,evolution,fulfillment.Or otherwise.
Of Questions
can be related to your business,finance,relationships,health,emotional
fulfillment.The Bible says “ask and you shall receive”;which presupposes that
asking is the currency for receiving.So ask you must,question you
must;before you receive.In Einstein or Newton’s case (and many scores of
eminent scientists) entire mankind benefited from
epic discoveries from their scientific asking.Yet,flashlight in hand, we
are looking at questions in areas other than science alone.
Zone Under Threat
can be scary because of their destabilising potential and
so the ornery guy is pretty okay without their barbs.They upset your
"groove";that favourite ,warm ,fuzzy ,comfort zone of unchanging
slumber.Of course that zone is more often a valley of decay and
"atrophy".Instead searching questions only induce "entropy".In
lay terms entropy stands for heightened activity.And an important activity that
culminates either in growth,or decay,depending on the important element;the
Power Of A Single Query
single question has changed the life of millions.It has changed the course of
history,more than once.A great question affects the seeker positively,and
brings out the best in them.It nourishes the desire for fulfillment.It goads
you to seek,to knock,to push against closed doors.Another question under
similar stimulus may only induce an equally feeble response. You know it when
you ask the "differentiating" question.A differentiating question is
the demarcation between empowerment and weakness.Its the difference you make
when you ask "what do I gain out of this?",and "what
can I make out of this".One question is a pecking bird, perched on a
decaying tree trunk of reluctance, eyes averted.The other, is a willing
worker;sleeves rolled up, ready to strike gold.
We Unconsciously Ask.
life we are in a constant dialogue with ourselves.A volley of repetitive
questions,and mostly similar answers.Normally we ask questions that are
disparate and disconnected.We routinely ask questions that are centered in
complaint,comparison,or judgement :How well is my rival/friend doing?How well
am I doing compared to others?What do others think about me,speak about
me?Where will this accomplishment place me compared with others?Why does he/she
behave like the way they do?Why does my boss/client not understand? And so on.
brand of questions may appear relevant,natural,or even human.Yet by no line of
defence are they aligned with spectacular progress.Or growth.
Field of Growth Questions
Now this is interesting territory.There's another species of question called
"Growth Questions".Growth questions expand your existing envelope of
awareness.These are questions that carry massive potential for
fulfillment beyond the presently accepted levels.These are questions that
lead you onto breathtaking discovery or answers beyond the known domain.These
questions help us contribute,accomplish,seek,discover,innovate,and facilitate
far more than we would have otherwise done.For the purpose of finding more
fulfillment,these questions help refine existing behaviour and
response to our environment.For instance you have entered the field of growth
when you ask "how can I help others even when I don’t want to?" How
do I permit/tolerate others' freedom of opinion,and still maintain my convictions?"
Mutiny of Growth Questions.
questions are spread across the spectrum of human involvement.Like I said they
can destabilise your comfort.They spell mutiny to your comfort if you are fond
of it. Here’s a slew of examples …..…
do I work hard to improve the situation despite no sign of results yet?
can I learn from this experience and apply it to success and fulfillment later?
can we find common ground in order to work as a team/organisation and
accomplish targets/goals in synergy?
is the alternative to standoff/stalemate in this conflict.How can we find
is the worst outcome if we decide to find some agreement here?What is the best
should I only act on one side of the argument?Why should I follow this
bias/prejudice just because everybody else is doing it?
can I increase my patience in routine matters?
I committed learning more about my work,business,relationships,self everyday?
have my emotions in control at all times,or am I guided by erratic moods?
there any overwhelming habits that weaken my chances of success,and have I done
to remedy them?
I decided my major goal(s) in life?And timelines for them?
I offering greater value than I am paid for?
I prompt in action or Do I procrastinate?
I able to discipline myself and stick to my plans consistently?If not, why?
I have faith in my self/respect for myself/genuine love for myself?
I able to genuinely pardon and let go of others’ mistakes/weaknesses?
I weigh my actions or words before I let loose,especially concerning others’
I apologize where I err?
I able to learn from defeat?
I have a system/action plan in place for success?
I developed the powerful habit of studying/strategising/thinking/planning my
future projects/actions?Or do I merely react sporadically to situations?
Powerfully Shift Our Focus In Life.
have the power to alter our attention from the inconsequential to the
significant.Terrible questions get terrible answers.When you ask great
questions you receive great answers.For instance when you habitually ask “why
are things not improving despite my hard work?”, you will find yourself setting
yourself up for being let down as a recurring pattern in life.Conversely if you
say “How can I tap into my inner strength to guarantee my success?” or “What
skills or knowledge do I need to accelerate my progress?”.You may
amaze yourself at the uplifting effect on your confidence.The positive
impact of powerful questions on your focus,and hence your ability is immeasurable.Only
we have to be willing to allow them into our waking awareness.That too as a
habitual function,instead of a random,fitful event.
Questions Eventually Do
are swarmed by droves of questions all our lives.Among them,growth questions possess immense power to lead us onto fabulous discovery .It's only we who habitually choose to
ignore their presence.In fact,it's convenient to dismiss them summarily.Yet, as
a routine, we ask questions of a
very judgmental and comparative kind.But if we want to grow
we must habitually ask ourselves growth questions,because they
accelerate our success and fulfillment.Remember ,questions have enormous
potential to shift our focus,direct our attention,and alter our destiny.
to you my dear friends……………
hi Mona - love this post and I certainly know the power of questions in my life. Especially growth questions that you raise. And you're absolutely right -great answers come from great questions. If we ask ourselves defeatist questions, we'll get negative answers but growth questions will naturally lead to our growth. The most important question and my favorite growth question I've repeatedly started asking myself is #19. Not only what am I to learn from defeat but more broadly, what can I learn from this circumstance or situation. Thanks for sharing the many other positive growth questions we can ask ourselves.
Hi Vishnu,
It's true that questions open up new,uncharted vistas for us.They also help us erase our erroneous beliefs about much that we do wrong.Because powerful questions,repeated oft ,do have the potency to turn on the lights in amazing ways.
Thanks for your time.
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