
Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Wonders of Small Doses

Small Doses Do Good

Feel strong and capable to do the correct thing correctly.Reprogramme yourself towards capability,skill,success,achievement,and growth.

Small Doses
Reinforce your growth and strength through repetitive “small doses” of attention to success,capability,skill,achievement and satisfaction.Give “small doses” of your time to feeling confident ,feeling certain,sure and capable.Small doses are wonderful.They have magic in them and pack a punch for all your efforts.

Repeated Attention
Certainty ,surety,capability and confidence is not just a feeling.It is also a skill.And like all skills,it can be learnt.And learning takes place with attention repeated over a period of time.Just as your current attitudes,opinions and estimates of life and things are a result of “small doses” of attention to a particular line of thought.

When do you spare these small doses of attention?You can spare them when you start a new undertaking next.You can apply these small doses to your thinking ,to your self talk,to your interactions and memories of interactions.

You could apply small doses to your concepts of past present and future.Here are some easy examples to apply your small doses:-

About Past
Thank all your past experiences of life which have brought you even an iota of happiness.Let it be genuine and sincere thanks.Just a small dose will amaze you.

About Present
Center your attention on all the good prevailing now and appreciate even the minutest good existing right now in your life,and in this world at large.Remember onlya small dose of your attention will do the trick.There’s no need for a long wordy eulogy.At least not immediately.

About Future
Believe in all the good that can happen in your future.Believe with deep faith in spectacular possibilities in future.Small dose only.


Vishnu said...

There is so much power in small doses, Mona. And in focus. Between the two, all great things in the world can be achieved. as a writer yourself, you know the writing habit starts small. The greatest book starts with the first paragraph:) Completing a marathon starts with the first jog. repeated and slightly bigger repetitions of actions can make all our goals and dreams come true. we should never underestimate the power of small steps. It actually gives us the motivation to take on slightly bigger steps - through encouragement and motivation of having completed the smaller ones.

Unknown said...

Thanks Vishnu for adding value to this insight.There is great evidence to prove that whenever something spectacular is acheived it happens through measured,and tiny ,but cosistent effort.
Thanks again Vishnu