Living In Fragments |
So much of our waking life is spent on mundane concerns;future
plans,pursuits, current circumstances,their implications,then past happenings
,their future impact and possibilities.In fact,there are thousands of fragments
of circumstances spread over our lives.But what about the great realities? We
have simply chosen to forget them.We have relegated the greater realities to
oblivion,apparently.We do not think of them at all.
Fragmented Life
Almost all of us are only concerned about our own little selves
.And the survival of that little self is all what concerns us all the time.This
survival is surrounded by fragments of desires,ambitions,display of prowess.It
is surrounded by fragments of comparisons with others,fragments of past
memories;pleasant and unpleasant.It is surrounded by fragments of opinions of
others.Fragments of judgements about others.Fragments of concerns about the
future;ambitions,apprehensions.It is essentially, a plethora of fragments
centered around the desperate need for survival and continuation of the little
self only.
Little Self Survival
But think of it:how many zillions of little selves have come to
earth since millenia.And gone.All of them were concerned only with this pitiful
survival of the little self.Survival, as we know, is centered around fear and
It May Be Enjoyment
The other alternative to "little self survival" is
labelling all our pursuits with a holy tag of "enjoyment".We think we
are enjoying ourselves while ,in fact, we maybe merely tolerating things,conforming
to societal expectations,or just flirting along the fence between satisfaction
and fulfillment.Well enjoyment is good no doubt,but do we ever stand back a bit
from our predicament and question our "camouflage" of borrowed
beliefs?Because ,admittedly,the so called enjoyment is usually
fitful,fluctuating and fragmented.
Higher Reality?
So what else is there in this world apart from the fluctuation
enveloping the human condition.Surely there is a greater reality,a higher
intelligence nudging us forward to a more sublime purpose.
Yet moving towards this higher reality is fraught with widespread
discomfort.It sounds so foreign.So uncool .It is unnerving because it threatens
to strip us of the comfort of our "fragments"- the familiar friends.Perhaps
those fragments are not the apparent elixir we make them out to be.
Quiet Questions |
There Might Be an
Answer,Only Might!
Now what do we do when faced with such a line of questioning?When
we are walking on shaky grounds,and demanding answers of unprecedented,and
profound nature?Answers we may not be willing to hear, let alone act on?
The simplest route out of the mire presently is to accept this
truth;that we are living a fragmented existence
mostly.And next, to sit quietly every day and examine our inner proclivities
closely.Then, perhaps,through this quiet sifting of intentions we can come a
bit closer to comprehending something deeper.Perhaps a faint light down the
Over to you my friends.
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