
Sunday, 24 August 2014

Fascinating Search;The Power Of Memories

Master  Your  Memories

There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory. ~Josh Billings

Memories are the fingerprints of our experiences on our mind, trapping enormous power  in them.They are the hidden filing  cabinets of our journey in life.Yet we seldom pay attention to how we tuck away our memories.We constantly  bury deep emotional associations with those files.And the bland truth is this;as time goes by,we stack up  more and more in our silent warehouse of memories.Here everything is  coloured and textured by an invisible cloud of emotions.   

And so.

They return to us magnified manifold.Memories have the potential to encourage us,embolden us and offer that critical impetus for success and fulfillment.But the interesting aspect we gloss over is that we ourselves are responsible for how we file our memories.And what emotional associations we make with them at the time of filing.

Once we become master of our memories ,we can leverage their power to shape our destinies.We can learn to stop projecting  dis empowering experiences into the future.

With memories, we are lucky and unlucky, simultaneously.That’s because when we feed ourselves with great memories, and retrieve them habitually, we embolden ourselves.But when we do the opposite we actually strap up for  an unpleasant drive,mostly hurtling downhill.

Perhaps the best cleansing action is to question our tendency of creating negative memories.This exercise truly brings the power of our memories to the forecourts of our mind.Yet it's worth our time only when we consciously  deliberate on each question,one after the other.

Here's a  morsel of questions.....

1. Why are my memories an important ingredient of my success or failure in life? Have I paid enough attention to their importance? Am I intelligent and bold enough even to consider the value of positive memories?

2.Do my memories define me?Or do I define which memories I will live with?Do I know which memories encourage me?Which kind of experiences I should  habitually associate with in my mind?  

3.Do I have an affinity for encouraging,empowering memories?Or discouraging memories?

4.Do I know whether I like to recall good,or negative memories habitually?Am I captive to the repetitive negative memories I engage in?

5.A lot of memory bolsters my future action.Yet have I got into a rut of sticking  to negative memories only?

6.When do  negative memories disturb me most?Do I have a mechanism in place to overcome the negative memory pangs?Can I build a mechanism myself?

7.What do I gain from revisiting negative memories?Do I gain anything at all?Do I have anything to show for indulging in negative memories?

8.Are the negative delivering any value to me?Can I let go of them if they aren't?

9.It is said “No thought lives rent free in the mind”. If my memories are mostly negative, what is the price I am paying for my “mind’s permanent tenants”;my memories?.

10.Am I addicted to the toxins of negative memories? Do I love to wallow in the mire of weakness unleashed by my negative memories?

11.Can I replace my negative memories with empowering insights ?

12.How often do I visit my negative memories in a day,approximately? Once,twice ,thrice?many times?

13.Do I tend to file most of my experience in the negative memory cabinet? Can I do the opposite more often?Perhaps by looking for some teaching  in each experience?

14.Do I cast a net of negative memories over my present reality? And over future prospects also?

15.Am I aware that I tend to project negative memories into the future?

16.Is there something I can do for myself by associating with powerful memories?How can I associate with positive memories frequently?

17.Do I bless my memories?Do I thank them?Do I take away anything of value from them?

18.Surely all experiences in my life have not been all discouraging ,or negative.However which kind of experiences do I frequently tend to relate to?

19.When will that day suddenly arrive in my life when all my memories will miraculously turn into a beautiful valley of daffodils?Does it not depend on how I am filing my experiences in my mind?

20. Starting  today can I setup a disciplined programme to recall positive, encouraging memories only?Can I make a list of actions towards this end?

21.Who is responsible for the way my memories are being filed in my mind?Which cabinet am I filing my memory in?Is the memory being habitually filed in a positive cabinet or a negative cabinet in my mind?

22.Where can I learn about tapping into the phenomenal power of encouraging ,positive memories?Can I develop a creative plan for this?

23. When do my memories turn disempowering ? At the time of the experience?Or after the experience?Or when I recall them again?

24.Why must I be a captive prisoner of my negative memories.Can I turn the situation around and become their master?How can I make my memories serve me? Embolden me? Encourage me?

25.Every experience leaves a memory behind in its wake. And memories become a huge load that I selflessly carry around with me?This goes on increasing with time.How can I leverage the power ,the energy of my memories to enhance my success and effectiveness,and my fulfillment?

26.How can I learn to file my memories in a positive cabinet in my mind?

27.Positive,encouraging  memories have doubtlessly aided successful people,and achievers of the world;even though they did not articulate it that way.Can I learn something of value from their personal examples?

28.Do most of my memories revolve around people,relationships,my experiences with other people;and my judgement about other people?What is the texture of my memories about these topics?

29. What can I do to improve the texture of my memories ,and gain huge encouragement ,and strength from them?

30.On an average,if  I  were to  write about ten of my life’s strongest memories within the next one minute,what kind of experiences would they probably associate with?Negative or positive?What does that show about me?

31.Do I talk more about positive ,or negative things in life?Does it indicate what kind of memories I normally store in my mind?What kind of memories I associate with?

32.Do I let go of memories of  great experiences easily?Or distressing experiences easily?

33.What do I tell myself when I recall distressing memories?Do I tell myself that this is going to happen again?Do I feel anxious about the future based on the memories stored in the past?Is it probable that whatever I am worried about may never  really happen?Then what use is the time I wasted on those distressing memories?

34.What are my best memories?Why can I not exclusively invest time in my positive encouraging memories only?More than negative memories?Who is stopping me from doing that?

35.Do  I know that positive memories are a skill? And that I can learn to succeed more from them?

36.What is the power of positive memories that I may not know about yet? Can I find out more about this to help myself?

37.How different are my memories from the kind of memories that I had five years,ten years ,twenty years before? Are they more empowering  or less empowering today?

38.Where can I possibly reach in life if I learn the skill of positive memories ,and invest in them only?

39.When is the best time to build empowering memories? During an experience? Or after it?

40. Have I ever paid enough attention to the enormous potential of my positive memories? Today how many memories do I have that encourage me?

Over to you my friends.....

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