The secret to living
the life of your dreams is to start living the life of your dreams today, in
every little way you possibly can. -Mike Dooley
Power Of Tiny
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in this big ,wide,and beautiful universe began with a tiny event.Even the big
bang began with a multitude of tiny events leading up to the major event.
power of ‘tiny’ is immense.Because the tiny is always the father of
the big. Whether it is a tiny acorn hiding a huge oak,or
a grain of sand concealing its mysterious capacity to grow into a huge
mountain.It is the small bits of the universe that eventually make up any big
object,or event
underestimate the potential of the tiny,the minute,the small.It is a small
spark in the forest that leads to a mighty conflagration. It is an
infinitesimal atom which,in combination with others of it's kind,unleashes enormous atomic power.
drops of water add up to form huge nimbus columns,that rain down in torrents
and flood our natural water bodies.The tiny seconds on the clock add up to
hours,days,weeks,months,years,decades,eons.And you already know how important
time is.Try asking any Olympic silver medalist!Yet none of the chronology of
the world would have been possible without that one tiny second on the face of your clock.
Big Picture Ain't Big By Itself
more?Go no further than the electricity flowing through the wires in your
house.Each time you use a convenient electrical appliance it is because tiny
electrons are flowing through the wires incessantly,which makes
up your regular electric current ,driving the world’s
industry and economy. God knows how many billions of homes earn their livelihoods across the globe,thanks to a tiny electron.Ever thought of that!
sir ,we prefer the big picture only.
the big picture is vital,but understanding how the big picture adds up is
critical.To your growth and success.
why are we getting so techy here?Just stop to wonder how our lives began with
just two tiny cells in the mother’s womb.So Nature itself has an amazing
mechanism to exploit tiny units of construction to achieve whatever it
never stops to doubtfully question how such a massive project,like a
mountain,or a cloud,or an ocean will be built.It just goes to work with
whatever smaller building blocks it needs to do so.
Rational Mind Misses A Lot
is only the rational mind which usually thinks largely in terms of mammoth
objectives ,that immobilizes itself with doubts,and inadequacies.Especially so
when there is a crying need to succeed at something,achieve something,do
something spectacular.Because,whatever you might say,succeeding and moving
ahead does require a lot of digression from routine;changing lanes from the
“comfortable track”.The bigger the stakes the bigger the change and detour.And
hence the bigger the doubts,the bigger the question marks,the longer the
deliberations,the more likely the paralysis .We exaggerate our
problems,in tiny steps,instead of exaggerating our capabilities,and
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this need never be the case.All we need to do is focus on the tiny steps;the
smaller building blocks of any achievement,any success story.
nothing big and worthwhile ever attained its gargantuan proportions
suddenly,at the snap of a finger.It always took finite time,and finite
addition of smaller sub-parts to lead up to the whole.
Small Step Ahead Of The Other
couple of decades back in the US of A, newspapers reported
excitedly of an unimaginable feat in that day.In response to a
challenge, an ageing grandmother had walked all the way from one city to
another, several hundred miles away.The elderly lady was asked by media
reporters at the accomplishment of her feat later,if she had ever felt doubtful
about her undertaking at any point.She smiled and merely shrugged it away
saying, “oh,I didn't think much of it,except putting one small step
ahead of the other, all the way”. “One small step ahead of the other” is the mantra
for all of us who are looking forward to spectacular achievement.Smaller bits
of action always add up to one another,and finally lead to your
destination.Nothing,no constructive action, ever goes waste.Only you have to
maintain the tempo of your actions.Right upto your goal.
Of The Snowball
actions,small steps can go a long way.They are the tiny,magical snowflakes
of the snowball.They can ,and more often than not,have led to magnificent
victories in the past.And the same process will continue to be repeated in
future as well.Ornery human beings will continue to succeed by simply
capitalizing on the power of the “small incremental” steps towards bigger and
bigger laurels.
Little difference Makes the Big Difference You attitudes in small
affairs,in your day to day thinking make all the difference.They add up to one
another and take you to the edge of your achievements.That is all you need for success.
Oriented Actions Each time you initiate any action it helps to
be conscious of your orientation.These small details of focus
literally snowball into something worthy of pride.
Management.Managing time is very commonplace these days.Yet more lip
service is done to this aspect than real action.But even a fraction
of your effort devoted to time management contributes to your success hugely.
Of Productive Actions.Once a small activity has proved successful ,it must become a part of your repertoire of productive activities.Like healthy
eating and regular exercise.
Mental Responses To Life .Optimism,discipline, foresight,planning ahead are all well known
leadership range activities yet we tend to gloss over them.Maintaining a
journal for improvement in these qualities is not a very tedious task.It is a
small step,yet again.But pays off massive dividends.
Benjamin Franklin could do it despite his hectic schedule of work.A lot of
modern day leaders do it are no less.Try this small step.
Encouragement In Small Victories.Make it appoint to pat yourself
on the back for small achievements during the day.Your self validation in small
affairs has a cumulative impact on your self confidence,and esteem.A vital
ingredient for success.
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Diet,Mental Exercise.What do you watch on TV most of the time?What books are you
reading,which magazine articles?What news do you follow?What kind of
discussions do you usually engage in with your friends and associates?Are they
nudging you towards intellectual and mental development,progress and success?This is not asking you to convert to a morose public bore,and a “wet blanket”.But
where do your small time interests lie mostly?Remember they
matter to your achievement.Immensely.
Of Attending To Minor Details.Ensure you attend to the minor
details of any worthwhile projects you undertake.The minor details have the
power to swing things in your favour.Or otherwise.The doors of your success
hinge on minor details,more often than not.Accomplishment is a long chain
made of critical links,each of which is a small detail.
Steps Forward .Then when you start succeeding you keep taking small steps ‘one
ahead of the other,all the way’.Each tiny step counts,each one contributes to
the cumulative whole.And remember to encourage yourself for each one.
your Learning Curve Moving.Each bit of information you acquire, that is pointing towards your ultimate goal, is
significant.It fortifies your chances of success and achievement.So keep
learning,every day,even in minuscule amounts.It matters to your
success.A lot.
Start by doing what’s
necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the
impossible. -St Francis of Assisi
Have you identified what tiny steps to success you need to take?
Which small steps to success have you taken so far in life?
I'd be glad to hear from you.
Such a good point you make with this post. I have never accomplished much by wanting to take huge steps. On the other hand, I have had "miraculous" results simply by taking baby steps, day in and day out, focusing more on the consistency than on the size of the step.
Thanks Julie
Appreciate your insight.Really do.The truth is that most of us live our whole life only in baby steps yet we never realise it.That's because it appears very flattering to fancy we're accomplishing great feats in giant leaps.Yet we are attuned by nature to function only through tiny steps.
Thanks a ton
Hi Mona, this is a great post and oh so true. Big trees from little acorns grow is no lie. Big things from tiny steps flow.
Hi Elle,
This thought is central to our activities and has to be followed from the core of our heart.
It is important to consider the impact of small steps,small units of construction,and tiny building blocks at every step.
Your e hugs are important!
Thanks for your insight.
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