All things are only transitory
Be kind, be polite,be loving ,be good to everyone in life.That's because you just never know when someone will take leave of you from this world forever.For good.
Never know when you will do that to others either.
So be calm about this life,about all you have set yourself to accomplish.Be peaceful,because that matters most to your soul journey here.Don't bother too much about what others are doing.Instead pay more attention to what you are doing FOR others.That is only wealth that you carry with you, onward.
On planet Earth there are many tasks you must accomplish.Don't give up your responsibilities.Don't give up your genuine interests either.Giving up for facile fatalism is just another vice,no better than unkindness.
So what you must do,you must do.But just go about your work peaceably.Do everything in an aura of calmness.Be happy.Feel satisfied in being kind,in being a do-gooder;in following your principles.
Be centered.Enjoy your life.Look heavenward frequently and thank the Great Intelligence for this life throbbing in your veins.
Otherwise when?
When will that day arrive where you will suddenly feel inspired to thank the Heavens for invaluable gifts?
Today is the day for that inspiration.Now is the moment.
Every sunrise and every sunset you travel through on your Earthly journey is a milestone for thanksgiving.
Be generous and prompt with your silent gratitude.
Over to you my friends.............
Good points, Mona. No other day to be helpful and grateful than today - the only day that's guaranteed to us. Enjoyed reading this post and keeping up with your blog.
I agree there Vishnu.
This is the day to be alive.This is the day to keep our inner smile glowing in thanks.Every experience we have in life is either a learning or an entertaining one.
Thanks for the time.
PS I visit your blog but find the posts closed for comments.Wonder why?
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