Detached View
Becalming Perspective |
Take a detached ,light view of everything happening around you
from time to time.Remember you will finally pass away from this world.Only your
good deeds,intentions and pleasant words will elevate your consciousness and
help your evolution on all planes.In any case all actions will eventually
dictate how your destiny unfolds,both now and in the afterlife..A raised
consciousness will benefit you.So be calm and strong in your peace.
Stay Far From Negative
Especially stay clear of "de-magnetising" energy in the form of negative
memory,concepts,and apprehensions.View them all with light detachment.Love
yourself and be calm ,be happy ,be thankful ,be forgiving.
Renew Yourself
Renewal of yourself is very important.Leave behind a past self as
you renew your life now.Realise there is a perfect circumstance and a perfect
attitude for every aspect of life.And both of these are freely available to
us.The only requirement is that we remain connected wtih uplifting and
"fertilising thought feilds".
Free Capsules for Mental
- Inflow
of new thoughts can remake us.
- The
little difference makes the giant difference.And the little difference is
whether you believe positively or negatively.
- What
happens around us is not as important as how we respond to whatever
happens.Attitudes matter more than events.
- Every
adversity has seeds of equivalent or greater benefit.
- There
are no perfect circumstances.But there surely are spectacular attitudes.
- It's
good to be calm,really calm,under all circumstances.Happiness
automatically follows calmness.And calmness is born of strength.
- Keep
your mind on things that you want and what you like.Keep it off those
things you dont want and dont like.
- What
the mind can conceive and believe it can surely achieve.
- Happiness
comes closer to you the more you tilt your thoughts into it.
- Never
build a case against yourself.
- Encourage
yourself.Think of whatever you are capable of doing.Focus on your
capability to do things,even scary ones, instead of discouraging yourself.
- Whatever
tasks and situations you have to face, meet them with a smile,because
things have to be done anyway.So you might as well make life pleasant for
yourself and others as you go around interacting with life.
Then there is another exercise, to fire your "positive fuel
cells", called the" how-nice-it-is" game.More about it later,surely.
For now, over to you my friends.
hi Mona - good reminder that life is short, everything passes and everything is impermanent. We tend to forget about that often and are confronted with much pain and suffering.
good insights on staying away from negative vibes which make our minds negative, hold down our spirit and keep us stuck. we should spend more of our days with thoughts and actions which make us feel good.
Thanks for your cooments Vishnu.
This validation from you proves the universality of the phenomenon of ephemerality of life and the need to be strong.
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