
Monday, 3 February 2014

Profound Quotes; Hear Something ?

                         Hear;Don't Just Listen
Here I have a pack of inspiring quotes that I feel make interesting reading,and assimilation.These are luminaries saying something invaluable.And as I read them I “hear” something too.So just read on and find out for yourself…..about what they say….

1.If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
~ Lao-Tzu:
….And what I hear is “You constantly think something ,and you constantly focus on something; regardless of  your conscious awareness of your cogitation. Yet your thinking is immeasurably more powerful than you ever imagine.Thought alone has a the potency to manifest into reality.And then you have no one to blame but yourself,if you materialize something you don’t like.But if you get a  diamond instead of a chunk of coal in life,again you deserve the credit for your right thinking.”

2.The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. ~ C.JoyBell C

….And what I hear is “Stepping out and embarking on a risky path is fraught with danger in the short term only.Yet when we persist in spite of  our fears we open up unseen portals of success, accomplishment, and triumph for ourselves,in the long term”

3.When you don’t like a thing change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. ~ Maya Angelou

….And what I hear is “Stop complaining and whining. Be a doer at all times.Meet circumstances and people in life with the gall and confidence to remain unshakable; no matter what. Maintain an inner balance, and a composed will to find a creative solution for any situation.Anyone can fume,fret,and criticize with passion.It takes little effort.Yet true application of intellect and inner strength occurs only when one floats like “cork on water” no matter how deep it is plunged in dismal depths initially.

4.Picture yourself vividly as winning, and that alone will contribute immeasuarably to success. ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick
….And what I hear is “Your thinking and visualization carries a very powerful energy,and can be extremely potent in bringing success to all of us provided we stay on course in our search for success.”

5.If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.Lao Tzu

….And what I hear is “ Being detached brings immediate, and immense    results.Detachment implies the ability to place our life and this world in the correct context.It implies understanding the transitoriness of our lives and the inevitable end we all will meet.It implies drawing courage from this profound truth, and inspiration to reach out to what we desire most.This process itself will unleash forces that unflinchingly crown us with glory.”

Over to you my friends...


Hiten said...

Hi Mona,

Excellent quotes and fantastic interpretations of them!

I loved the one by Maya Angelou and your interpretation of it. As you say, we don't need to be victims. We can find a creative solution for anything that may come our way.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Hiten for your acknowledgement.I do believe the fact that we create our own reality in life,and hence my interpretationof Maya Angelou.

Vishnu said...

Hi Mona - thanks indeed for sharing these quotes about change, living, growth and success. i like the last point best which seems to resonate with Hindu philosophy and for sure a truism about life. We are trying to continuously hold onto things which brings suffering and pain. All things are temporary and all things change. A realization of that, as you point out, will allow us to live a more courageous, intentional and glorious life.

Unknown said...

Hi Vishnu,
Life actually needs to be placed in the right context as frequently as possible.Everything we win,and lose on the material plane is essentially a passing phenomenon.
No event lasts longer than the finite time it takes to unfold.
Yet it's aftermath continues in our mind forever,or until we let go.
Thanks for the comment.

Elle said...

I really like the way you connected your interpretations to the quotes Mona. As a HUGE lover of quotes in my life I can truly appreciate this.

Unknown said...

Thanks Elle
You may be pleasantly surprised but the inspiration to do this came from you,after i read many of your 'QUOTY" posts.
But i'm privileged because your encouraging words mean a lot to me.