
Sunday, 1 September 2013

Change Is Your Lifelong Company; Make Friends With It

We All Grow "Out" Of Change
How we meet change is vital to our growth and efficiency in meeting life.Change is the permanent fixture in nature ;and though it sounds paradoxical, the fact is that the only thing that will never change is change itself.Nature thrives on change ,because only through the cyclic rhythms of change is natural growth,synergy ,harmony and stability possible.The Sun rises, and sets every day ,the seasons change every year;living organisms take birth ,grow and die ;electrons revolve around the nucleus incessantly,the planets waltz around the Sun.So change is relentlessly embedded in the mosaic of natural phenomena. If there were no change perhaps a lot of evolution would never have occurred.Imagine what would happen if the Sun froze in space and time for some reason.No change in it’s position.No sunrise no sunset.Or if the electrons stopped orbiting the nucleus at a specific period-frequency.Once the cycle of change ceases a wide spectrum of possibilities(plausibilities) also cease along with.
The story of evolution can only be narrated because change was the constant that propelled it.So change must happen and it will continue to do so regardless of anybody’s preference –yours or mine.Nature is wired that way by infinite intelligence.And for good reason.

Typical  Commonplace Response To Change

Despite our intellectualizing about the benefits and inevitability of change we encounter a host of reactions pretty opposite to what we expect.

Resistance At the outset,the impulse is to  resist change.If things could go our way we would continue to resist change for no reason sometimes.

Preference For Status Quo  We usually prefer to maintain status quo in oreder to stay on with the familiar.

Path Of Least Resistance And Least Effort  Most humans have a tendency to laze it out ,something that the Greeks referred to as hedonism.Simply put,the fact is that instinctively no body likes to put in extra effort;the less the better .Yet change arrives with a threat ,the threat of making you work more than you want to;even if the need to work is vital to your progress and growth.
Intoxication With The Comfort Zone. We all prefer to stay within our comfort zone.Staying with the known carries the perceived promise of security.There is a satisfaction that accompanies the familiar ,which weighs heavily against even an iota of risk riding a new venture.Change,unfortunately,comes with the cargo of perceived risk.
Decry Change Vehemently As loudly as possible,we decry change.We are against it and we fight it tooth and nail for all we are worth.

Initial Response; Blood Curdling Phase The initial response to change is the blood curdling phase .This is the stage where a person resists change as a first impulse.Nine out of ten times the tendency is to resist change at the outset,particularly when it is not leading to anything desirable. So in the blood curdling stage there is a, mild to severe, rush of adrenalin,a tensing of muscles,and a subconscious fight or flight reflex.A person resists change,questions it,avoids involvement with change.There is an inertia,and there is a slowness to respond.

What Are The Benefits Going Along with Change

Change is growth All change is eventually for growth and betterment.Evolution can only happen through change which is aligned with a specific direction.Without change direction does not matter ,because there is no end result plausible.

Benefits Accompanying Change Spiritual material and mental benefit accompanies all change.All change comes loaded with potential for material,mental or spiritual benefit.Only your vision determines how much of this benefit can be identified.If it’s not material or immediate benefit,then at least you have the added opportunity  of putting to practice your mental strength,calmness,equanimity and positivity in the event.Most importantly,unseen spiritual benefit inevitably does accrue through change.

Evolution of society and the Individual
Societies evolve and grow due to the constant impact of change.All changes within a society eventually lead to improvement,emancipation,liberation,and fulfillment.If there is no change then stagnation and decadence quickly follow.You are also a  microcosm of the same society you lives in and so change influences you in similar proportion.

How Should We Ideally Meet Change

Increase Our “Adversity-Advantage” Quotient Change,if it appears to be an adversity, has the potential of offering the greatest advantage.When Napoleon Hill said “every adversity carries equal or greater benefit” he was certainly not being flippant.Every adversity does carry the potential of bringing advantage to the table .The advantage of confidence in surmounting obstacles.

Enhancing Your Capability  Instead of building a case against yourself you can always consider yourself capable of doing things.You can always consider the opportunity for growth that is available to you once you meet change head on.

Accept Change Gracefully It is always better to understand the importance of the benefit accruing from the change and accept it gracefully.Acceptance reduces the pain in the transition.

Prepare In Advance For The Forthcoming Event You can always prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the oncoming change.This is possible when you have an inkling about what is to come.

Understand Change Always Implies Endings And Beginnings we need to becalm our nerves by understanding that change need not be all threatening and earth shattering always.It means the end of something and beginning of another.The new beginning cannot and need not always be distasteful.It can herald the beginning of a great journey towards growth.

I would Say…It is good to expand your vision instead of cowering in fear and trying to escape change every time it comes your way.Had change been something to shun, then we might have all stayed as the embryo in the womb.Why would mothers even bother to undergo the changes related to pregnancy and the inevitable birthing pains?Nothing in nature stays still.Nothing whatsoever.Change will,and must happen for growth to follow.

What say you?
Let us know in the comments below what you’ve discovered about your change.

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