
Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Vital Questions To Examine Your Emotional Effectiveness

Emotional Balance Is Empowering
 We know pretty well that  desire is a natural facet of our mindscape.Just like the sun,moon,stars,sky ,forests,vegetation,rivers,oceans and mountains are a natural part of our geographical landscape.Desires will inevitably occupy our mind even though the desire-less state is ideal in a very enlightened ,spiritual context.Eventually all humans must aspire to reach this exalted enlightened state.Yet when a completely desire-less state is not  prevailing what do you do?

Every Desire Is Not Meant To Topple Your Balance

You need an emotional strategy to manage your response to your desires.Emotional strategy is the key here.Emotions are critical.Emotions invariably dictate your destiny.They run your life,unseen,unheard.They are the software that hums inside your body-mind circuit.Your emotions are the first responders, to your ever arising desires ,that determine how far they will be fulfilled.

Before any thing else you need to understand  that desires need not always topple  your balance.Ideally desires never should disturb your balance.Emotional upheaval does not have to become a loyal adjunct to the birth of desires.

Calmness Is A Consistent  Mental State

The important point to note here is that when desires are here  to stay with us and we have to live with desires and actions then why not be at peace while handling them.There is  a famous Zen saying “calmness does not mean you should stop your activity.Real calmness is to be found in activity itself”.Its is pretty evident;we need a strategy to handle our activity and desires ,and the emotional response to it in life.

The simplest route to such poise is practicing calmness in all situations. Yogananda Parmahansa once said “be calm under all circumstances,and  happiness will automatically follow”.Happiness is the natural byproduct of calmness and poise.How can we increase our calmness?

Eleven Vital Questions

1.    We need to be objective in our attitude to situations.Do we understand this?

2.    There is a  need to avoid mixing up issues.The past with the present,the future with the present.Is this our problem?

3.    Remain positive about the task at hand,or the prevailing situation.Are we able to adhere to this in real life?

4.    Start taking constructive action as soon as a situation or a task comes around.Have you noticed that delaying and procrastinating only leads to unnecessary frustration?

Equipoise Can Be Practiced
5.    Do we understand the fact that desires and actions will always form an active part of our lives and thus a steady mental attitude only will help us to meet life effectively?

6.    Remaining effective,composed and calm ,emotionally is much more sensible and productive than being hypersensitive,and hyper reactive to situations.Is this concept in the forefront, or in the background of our mind?

7.    You can check your mental make up by analyzing how often you over react to everyday situations in life.Is it required at all?

8.    If you have a tendency to overreact ,speak loudly,excited in your  day to day situations you must make a deliberate effort to wind down.Composure and calmness is far more empowering than frenetic rush-reaction.Have we noticed this proclivity in ourselves?

9.    Examine carefully what makes you impatient and irritated.Impatience and irritation is not a very admirable attribute anyway.Yet look into it ;do you tend to start “churning” inside at everything?Most things?Many things?Something?

10. What triggers your impatience and irritation or negative responses?Do you tend to respond  with similar negativity to a lot of things?What effect is it taking on your character and personality?What kind of  a person are you becoming due to your circumstances?Have your circumstances hijacked your freedom to respond happily to life?

11. Are your circumstances supremely powerful?Do they have the supreme charge of deciding what kind of a personality you will acquire finally?Or are you in charge of your poise self development?

Eventually you realize that life not just about adding more to your inventory of possessions,knowledge,power,physical looks,or fame .It is much more about striking a consistent balance while meeting the hum and throb of the world as we walk the corridors of our ticking years.This balance is not only beneficial ,it is positively essential to remain in top emotional shape.The shape that invites long term happiness. 

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