
Sunday, 16 June 2013

Twelve Solid Motivators When The Going Gets Tough And You Want To Throw In The Towel

Self  Motivation Is Your Job
 There are times when you are working on a dream project and you come to a dead end midway .You don’t seem to be making any headway despite all efforts in the right direction,despite all due diligence.It seems almost too tempting to chuck in the towel.Yet that is exactly what you don’t want to do.You want to succeed more than ever.You want to continue but you are tired of trying so many things that don’t work.

This is just the right time to hang on to your dreams.Some things work in real life when you believe in them.

1.   Your emotions are your greatest  asset. Tap into booster emotions as  frequently as possible.Booster emotions are those power packed emotions which catapult your enthusiasm.When your project is new it needs all your support,and the greatest support you can lend is positive emotions.That  is not the time to tune into  defeatist feelings.Emotions are your biggest    source of vitality,and they can equally well sap you of it in the same manner.How you utilize your feelings and emotions   is your responsibility.Everything about success hinges on your feelings  and emotions when you  are involved in a project dear to you.No one else  is  responsible about    how you feel ,other than you.So you are the one  responsible for  keeping a happy frame of mind and a success oriented  mindset. Unhappiness and negativity have only one major contribution for your  project.They help you digress from your path.

2.   Encourage yourself a lot.Encourage yourself particularly about the past successes you have achieved.No one in this world is a complete failure,and no one is a complete success either.There is mix of both for every one.Yet super successful people are those who succeed more often.That’s because they think differently about failure.They do not start permanently    camping in failure.They seek encouragement from their previous successes .That's all you need to do too.Whatever small or great successes,and achievements you have,you must draw encouragement from them.Always.

3.   Spend time in practice and planning.Study thinking and planning is vital for continued progress.You cannot passively sit back and allow yourself   to become a relic of the past who is not abreast with the latest.Even  nature evolves in the animal and plant kingdom.As a committed person  your  success is just as firm as your tendency to  keep evolving your plan.

4.   Focus. Focus is ‘follow one course until successful’ in the words of  Robert Kiyosaki. So keep your focus intact. Don't digress, and don’t distract yourself from your chosen path.Select your field,which should be your passion ideally,and then stick to it.Even if it is not your passion stick to your chosen path with dogged determination.Especially stay loyal to  your action, which means that you never stop taking action come what may.

5.   Draw inspiration.You can take inspiration from others who have been successful in the same filed or even in other fields,emulate them ,read     about them,study them closely.I know of successful people who have achieved success  through sheer determination to follow exactly what  others achievers have  been doing.People have succeeded by following in the footsteps of others who have been dead and gone long since,in fact   in some cases,they never even  lived on Earth together.Drawing  inspiration from  other  successful people is a such great activity.You owe it to yourself,especially when you are feeling down and out,and you start   having second thoughts about your endeavour.

6.   Put ideas into practice.Having an idea is good.But its not good enough if you only keep it as an idea, your mental concepts are  not sufficient to   see you through to your success.You have to be operational at all times.If you don’t remain “ops” then be  certain to see lot of “flops”.Because if your ideas are not implemented,not put into practice on the ground,then no results will follow.Ever.You need to sow seeds before harvesting the crops.A lot of people also suffer  from waiting for the perfect conditions,the most suitable settings,the most   favourable circumstances before they begin.It rarely works. Don't fool  yourself,just go to work,get started and keep  going.That's all you need to  do.Just keep one foot at a time, one step   ahead of the other,and continue doing that.You'll  surprise yourself seeing how far you have travelled..

Remain Fired Up

7.   Have faith in your capability.Love whatever you do.Especially if it’s  something that enthralls you.Have faith in your passion.This is something that pours out of your soul,and because of that it doesn’t merit any  comparisons with others.Never compare your deep passion with others in the similar field.However crude or simple your work may appear to you ,if you are truly interested in it and you know it’s your true calling never ever stop and look at others.That is the least you can do to respect yourself. This is one sphere which is dear to you  and each person is capable of bringing a uniqueness into every field .Remember no two artists, even in the same field, present identical art.So your uniqueness is your greatest advantage,but only if you give it a  chance with your diligence.

8.   Success does not run out for the diligent.Success always comes to those who keep at it,those who whole heartedly expect it.Success doesn't elude those who work hard ,day after day with   the same intention,those who remain operational always.You only have ti like your work and be  committed to.

9.   Walk the extra mile.Very often your success only waits around the  corner,you see its tails fluttering from behind the wall but you are not quite there ,and you stop moving ahead.This is the end of your road to success .Avoid the temptation to stop moving forward.There is an inner    being within you, the sleeping giant ,that is the biggest reservoir of energy.Tap into it.All you need is to move one step forward at a time.

10.  Keep a positive attitude.A constructive,focused attitude is a boon for those who desire success.If you keep your mind focused on the  constructive action to be taken next,you will rarely feel discouraged, beaten,or negative,or apprehensive,or doubtful,or even threatened.Mostly we are guilty of fuming and fretting about thing.Things that only require a bit of constructive action.In fact constructive action is all that is needed to overcome a lot of apparently threatening and risk fraught situations.  Constructive action instantly propels you ahead by snuffing out the human  weakness of complaining and fretting.

11.  Humour yourself to success.Don't take yourself soooo seriously.Let  your hair down a while,take time out to smile and laugh.In fact you are  better off if you have the ability to laugh off some of the seemingly  threatening situations that come your way.A temporary setback is not a   permanent situation.Every body knows this .Yet when it comes to applying this maxim to routine  situations,it appears like an uphill task. Humour helps you get keep things in perspective.

Break The Mountain One Bit At A Time

12.  Tackle one sub part at a time.You need to breakdown your task into a number of smaller sub tasks.In fact the better you get at this the closer     you get to your goals.It just takes pen and paper to do this.Simply cut up  your task into smaller pieces,and then smaller pieces. Each with it’s own   time frame for completion.Then get to work and complete one small task   after another,instead of trying to smash a whole mountain in one go.Interestingly you obtain greater psychological  satisfaction working like this.

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