
Thursday, 6 June 2013

Is Our True Nature Spiritual Or Physical?

Man a Mere Machine

Since millennia mankind has been grappling with the conundrum of spirituality and physicality.Is the human being a mere physical entity or is there a spiritual element also.

More interestingly ,is the human being a more spiritual entity with a bit of the physical thrown in.

Well its worth the query to cogitate a bit here.

As far as the senses  go,and logic goes we are very ,very physical.We are just another species in the humongous animal kingdom and are born in quite a physical manner.We grow up physically just like another organism,we procreate again quite physically,.finally we die physically.

We live on nourishment physically.We eat ,we drink,we breathe,we excrete physically.So just about everything is physical.Then we have a vast community of affirmed atheists ,who deny everything about spirituality.And they get along in life,thrive,and succeed like anyone else.So what else is required to confirm the physicality of existence.Simply put we are very truly physical,because our beginning is physical and so is the ending.Our brains are made of electro chemical reactions which zip around in our cranium synapse to synapse.

Our heart is a strong muscular organ which can be broken down into tissues,fiber,cells,compounds,molecules,atoms,and subatomic particles.So very physical.And this analogy extends to every other organ and system of the body.Everything is physical.Our sensory organs are a bundle of physicality as well.
We are entirely physical.Nothing more and nothing less.


Are we absolutely certain here?

What is the explanation for our feelings then?Emotions?Just physical reactions to the movement of chemical like hormones,which act on the physical system?
Is that all?

If that is so then why do two humans, faced with the same stimulus, respond differently?If everything were indeed physical then the results should be precisely predictable.Evidently this is not the case.

You would like to attribute different responses to psychological differences.The environmental influences,the responses learnt,genetics.The works.Yet we would agree that this argument is again stymied  when we consider twins with the same genetics,environment influences,learnt reactions; still responding differently to the same stimulus.By the way twins aren’t  “robotic clones” of each other ,if you notice.They don’t display identical automated machine- like responses of each other.They are similar yet unique.

What Beyond The Physical?
And so are all humans  unique.How is this happening if we are completely physical entities?Only biochemical reactions Only electro chemical impulses?Only a bundle of molecules,compounds,tissues,muscles,organs and systems functioning within a perfectly timed bio-clock?This uniqueness is attributed to something beyond physicality.This uniqueness also carries within it dollops of creativity.Something very peculiar to the human race.


 Does God fit in somewhere here?
Wonder who said this "we are not human beings having a spiritual experience.Rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience?"

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