
Saturday, 1 June 2013

Focus On Materializing Your Desires And Overcoming Your Obsession With The Past

Where Are We Stuck

Focus On The Goal Only
Often we are stuck with some incident of the past and refuse to release the past, especially when it does not serve us in achieving our goals.Many times we keep  holding onto a memory of the past that was painful and we keep on projecting that as an apprehension into the future.
Automatically the Law Of Attraction brings in more incidents of a similar nature and keeps the cycle going in exact conformity with our thought and feeling.

Negative Belief Stands In The Way

It is when you believe that you create your reality that you understand the laws of attraction, and receive  that which you think about  into your experience. You have even been practicing these principles,practically without even realizing it. When you think about it, you are unconsciously repeating affirmations like “my deserved wealth and abundance is not available and I don’t have it. My income level is stagnant”.This is only a sample of your negative thought process.  Instead of thinking the other way around,so as to increase your wealth and abundance you are unconsciously and unwittingly harming your own coveted goals.That is to increase wealth,abundance,better relationships,abilities,or whatever else you desire.

Don't Score Self Goals; Instead Score Great Goals

Possibly you blame your parents or upbringing,or your environment for injecting limiting beliefs that that stand in the way of your success.You perhaps feel let down by a particular incident of the past,that was agonizing. It really doesn’t matter where some of your beliefs come from or how many of them you have. There is a way around this. You need to focus on the beliefs that do serve you better such as: the Universe is full of abundance. The Universe wants to bring your desires to you. Even the Bible says, Ask and it shall be given.

Instead of focusing on that we end up scoring “self goals” against our own self.Infact in one of the most famous Rose Bowl games a player was tackled by his own teammate to prevent him from scoring a self goal .This is drama in the tangible world.In the intangible ,unseen world a similar drama unfolds every time you entertain self limiting thoughts,and feelings to prevent yourself from reaching your desired goals.

Action Completes The Circuit For Energy To Flow

To overcome your limitations it is extremely important to take action,because even the Good Book says “faith without action is dead”.When you take action, any action in the direction of your desire, you are showing the Universe that you are serious. It also facilitates the process because you have focused your attention on your action instead of your waiting. This action need not be huge earth-shattering stuff. This action can come from feeling of inspiration, intuition, or even coincidental events. One very important thing to keep in mind when you do take action: be sure to feel good about it, about yourself and what you want beforehand. Now you know how to assist the Universe in fulfilling your dreams.
All you need is firstly to have deep faith in your goals,and you need terrific honesty for that.It simply means that the goal you are  pursuing is actually your passion only and not an imposition,that is cultural or personal.To that end you need to break away from your past and everything that doesn’t lend itself to your fulfillment.

Action Steps

Some simple steps are :-

1.Just determine to let go of the past
2.Stop holding on to past memories and debilitating feelings.
3.Enter the reality of your present by some simple exercises:

Ø Write down your goals specifically in the present tense.This creates a neuropath way ,instilling a strong focus in the direction of your goals.

Ø Review and study the honesty of  your goals.

Ø Completely accept your goals

Ø Generate  a vivid image of living in the midst of your goals always.

Ø Never focus on the opposite of your goals

Ø Visit your goals every day,frequently

Ø Feel extremely happy,thankful,relieved and relaxed about reaching your goals.

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