
Sunday, 5 May 2013



Problems Come With Their Own Basket Of Benefits

Normally when anyone is faced with trying circumstances they would prefer to give up and run away,particularly if the situation is prolonged, persistent,and refusing to how signs of thaw .However it is important to remember that every problem contains it’s own seeds of solution.Every problem comes packaged with its own basket of benefits
.History has proved this again and again.All problems arrive along with  a huge potential for achievement.

Isn't Solving  Problems The Better Alternative

As you encounter problems in life there are two simple alternatives immediately available.One- to solve it,overcome it.Two- to escape,run away,leaving a trail of defeat .The latter is easily accomplished by putting off the work.Procrastination is a good tool for doing this.Yet procrastination only ferments the ‘dough’,the problem,even further.Escape is the easy path, surely, but its not the glorious path .The person escaping later finds it difficult to face himself.He cannot look any one in the eye.He has a hard time justifying his escape,and he has an even harder time understanding the mechanics of solving subsequent problems.His antecedents shadow him.Relentlessly.
Solving a problem is another alternative worth considering.Why would you not do that in the first place? Here are  strong reasons why solving the problem is better.

·         First of all remember that you are a champion any way.You are born to win,from the very moment you were conceived in the womb.

·         You have more potential than you imagine.Allow yourself to succeed.That is possible with solving  your problems.

·         Solving problems strengthens your ability to meet situations squarely.

·         You feel more confident after cracking a hard nut.

·         You develop a repertoire of skills for solving problems.

·         You feel empowered  to help others solve their problem.You can contribute.

·         Your motivation levels rise ,you feel brighter and energetic after you solve problems.

·         You feel successful,thereby bringing yourself closer to success with evrey situation you tackle.

·          Finally you realize that your main job in life is to solve problems.We all are in the business of solving problems.The better problem solver you are the more successful you are.The bigger the problem,the greater the success

·         You become accustomed to meeting situations head on,and you gain confidence with every solved problem.In the bargain you raise your own self esteem as well.

 Start Small And Continue Till Successful

Most people who encounter problems either don’t know how to approach them ,or  even if they do they don’t get down to work at them because the task seems too humongous .Once the reasons for accomplishing a task are known it is important to move a step ahead and get down to executing it.
·         Start small.Take baby steps because they matter ,they make a difference.everything on the path to progress is significant.

·         Don’t attempt to break the whole mountain in one go.Break your problems into smaller parts.Divide the whole into parts and further sub parts.Then go at them one by one.

·         Set a deadline for completing the task.It accelerates your progress.Any work gets done faster when you know there is a timeline attached to it.Your mind works at double efficiency to come up with efficient solutions.Your body follows suit.

·         Set deadlines for smaller tasks as well.Not just for the big, final goal alone.This imparts a sense of progress along the path.

·         Think of different alternatives.Having more than one plan, up your sleeve, bolsters your confidence.

·         Pen and paper are the simplest work tools invented ever.Use them to full benefit.Write down your problem ,the various alternatives ,and the best solutions possible.

·          When tackling  a situation involving sub- tasks, try parallel processing.Not linear processing.Linear processing is when you finish one task ,and then move on to the next one.This is a slow and time consuming process.The efficient way out is to get cracking on all your sub tasks, simultaneously.Multitasking is the keyword.

·         Don't hesitate to seek advice from others.Often, you will find valuable inputs coming from unexpected quarters as well.However make an endeavour to seek expert advice,when ever possible.

·         Study.Think.Plan.Nothing gets done through passive, wishful actions. You've gotta roll up those shirtsleeves and get working.This involves studying your task,the nuts and bolts,the finer details.This involves planning and being flexible in executing every step.

·         Keep your mind positive and focused on the task at hand, instead of squandering your energies on fretting and worrying about things going wrong.

·         Remain motivated.The best practice is to study other achievers.Read about them ,meet them, see what they say about solving similar situations.

·         Determine to remain strong in solving your problems and finishing your task,no matter what.If you don’t, someone else will.And you will only lose the chance to achieve your coveted results.

·         Be creative.Think out of the box.Don’t always stick to the beaten path alone.

·         Monitor your progress,by commencing the task with a yardstick to measure your success .

Problems Are Blessings For The dynamic Guys

After you do your homework ,and when you have resolved your why’s and how’s of accomplishing your task you realise you are capable of success. The one who does realise this proves that achievement often follows diligence, and it  particularly favours those who search for the hidden seeds of success within a problem.Problems are,in fact, blessings for those who are up and about.The mere mention of a problem can raise spirits or plunge them,depending on the innate strength of the one receiving the news.The spirit of achievement carries a fascinating aroma for the strong one who is sniffing for opportunity;even within problems.The weaker cousin,on the other hand, is content sniffling over the perceived stumbling block;complaining,fretting and ranting.That is the  difference between the achiever and the loser.

Achievement Germinates Within The Soil Of Problems

Achievement and success doesn’t have to do only with gaining celebrity status, making a million dollars overnight, winning the world title in any field; or any such spectacular accomplishment.Modest efforts can do equal wonders for succeeding in fields that would normally immobilize ordinary folks.You don’t have do any thing spectacular.Achievement is its own satisfaction.It pays for its own self .It multiplies with each episode of success .Most importantly every stakeholder gets to gain not just a part but more than the sum of the parts.The impact of achievement is synergistic.It multiplies its effect.It is its own magnet.

Remember,the seed of achievement germinates within the soil of problems mostly.You only need  a strong will and a vision to nourish the plant to full bloom.

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