
Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Parameters of Gro-Pro Questions

“We thought that we had the answers, it was the questions we had wrong.” – Bono
Look Deeper

Growth- and power or ‘gro-pro’ questions are those that leave you feeling encouraged, optimistic, uplifted, positive, resourceful, energetic, capable, and in control.These are the questions that reveal  a lot more than they inquire. They fill you with power.They deepen your understanding of yourself.They are a greater asset because of the glittering residue they leave behind;a certain courage that comes with the knowledge gained.At the same time gro-pro questions have a specific character .They are defined by a set of clear parameters.Lets have a look.


Pro-gro  questions are essentially aimed at understanding real life situations.Not for some abstract /hypothetical situation.They are related to real people.People who will be involved with a specific situation,a specific problem,a relationship issue,or a work life setting.

Here you need to step back and frame the query around the person or persons who you will need to interact with in, a problem setting.Of course the precondition is that they  must culminate in answers that encourage,enlighten,and create a “solution envelope”.For instance “What can I learn from this interaction with xyz ? How can I use this episode  to increase my understanding? How can I benefit from it?”
 The question should be actually related to something which we do not have answers about . For instance consider this,  “how can we get started on xyz project? What might happen if we did that?”

Range of Responses Incited

We should be clear about what the gro pro question will incite in the people handling it.What kind of emotions, implications, comprehension, understanding will it involve?If we frame a question that is emotive,or complex , related to debatable,or conflicting possibilities, we have to be prepared to assimilate the possible responses likely to emerge.This is particularly true for subjects related to say,agreement with  personal tastes,or freedom of speech,salaries in a working environment, criteria for integrity,or deeper values etc.In this line,a question like “Do the emotions of regret,shame, or guilt serve any purpose?", is likely to produce a variety of subjective responses;all open to detailed discussion.

Fresh Thinking

The question must make ground for new /fresh thinking.An empowering “pro gro” question should facilitate introduction of a new line of thinking,if possible. A question like “what was the best news you’ve ever received?"is asking you to recollect a memory.There is no evaluation or effort required here.It is evidently  different from “How would you explain eternity?” Or “ What is the nature of miracles?”.A lot of original insight is likely to emerge from the latter questions,than the first one.

Familiar Lanes

The question should be related to something known or at least familiar. It should also be something new to evoke a fresh response or insight. An unfamiliar ,unrelated question is likely to pass overhead.For instance, ask a group of workmen at a construction site something techy like, “What’s the possible effect of the Earth’s  spin and precession on the centre of gravity of the multi storey tower under construction?”.Depending on their inclination,and their patience,they might at best shrug it off as a prank ;or more gravely,  dismiss it with an epithet.But if you ask them “How do you think we could   increase the efficacy of that power jack?”.Surely  they will respond differently.

Hazard of Inherent Presupposition

There must be no presupposition inherent in the way a gro pro question is framed.Presuppositions only fill the evident vaccum generated by the query,and leave a bias in its wake. 
In a real life situation in the 90's,during the  presidential election, just after George Bush had announced Dan Quayle as his running mate a television news organization conducted a nationwide poll.They asked people to call a 900 number to answer the question, "Does it bother you that Dan Quayle used his family's influence to go into the National Guard and stay out of Vietnam?"Though such a fact has never been substantiated, the average man on the street most likely adopted a bias about the subject.The presupposition in the question possibly contributed to  history. 
Another example is “what’s missing in your life? What one thing would make your life complete?”.Naturally it assumes there is something amiss, something needs fixing.And so we will find ourselves looking for a fix ;based on an assumption.

Faith ,Hope,and Innovation

The gro pro question must reinforce  novelty,or faith,or hope for betterment,or innovation. Characteristically ,there is hope for improvement and growth here with a question like “What would I do differently if I weren't so worried about the outcome? What can I do to feel better or be more successful?”

Focus on Improvement

The question should have elbow space for further development and improvement. These questions are centered in assurance.Also there is  a possibility of growth,and a focus on shaping the process for reaching the solution.For instance “If succeeding was not an issue, what concrete actions,or risks would I take?

Over to you my friends......

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