
Monday, 11 August 2014

Stop Procrastinating And Take Action Through "Why What How When"

Do not delay your action thinking how much time it will take.The time will pass anyway.- Saying

1.What  should I do differently  to take action faster?

2.When do I plan to take that next step?Do I have any plan in place?

3.What  will I lose by taking that next step?What will I gain?

4.Why should I not take action immediately?

5.If  I don’t feel like acting right now then when is the next best time?Have I put that in writing anywhere so far?

6.What have I gained by so many past episodes of procrastination?What do I have to show for it?

7.The purpose for which I am postponing action,can that itself be put off for some time till I finish my task?If not,then when is the next best moment for starting off?

8.Can I break down this massive task to smaller sub-actions?Have I tried to do that?

9.Do I need any external help to subdivide my tasks for initiating action?

10.The task at hand is very important ,yet have I highlighted my purpose for completing it?Why is it important to me?
11.Whose example can I follow for inspiring myself to take action?If they could do something worthwhile,couldn’t I as well?

12.By postponing this action temporarily am I gaining any disproportionate benefits from my procrastination?

 13.Taking action may be painful.To soften my own resistance is there a midcourse reward I can give myself? Does that spur me to get going?

14.Do I understand the meaning of this “the pain of the effort involved is far less than the ecstasy of the reward”?

15.Do I respect myself? And therefore give myself the reward of a consistently accomplished task?

16.Three days/ten days/twenty days from today where will I be if I take this action and finish it?How will I feel?And what will I feel in the same timeframe if I don’t?

  17.Till now in my life I have accomplished much,including all small and big tasks.Did I learn anything?Did postponing any of the work initially add to my comfort,efficiency,or quality of work?If not then why delay action now either?

18.Who are my role models for work ethics? Which great luminaries(in any field of action) do I greatly admire and respect?Did any of them achieve massive success without hard,diligent,sustained,persistent labour ?

19. Hard,diligent  work is often a sign of humility,and belief in the simplicity of labour. Does my procrastination not smack  of vanity,arrogance,and pride?

20.What kind of habits do I want to cultivate regarding my personal work ethics?None at all?Or highly empowering aspects like discipline,consistency,persistence etc?Will this enhance or reduce my self esteem?

Over to you my friends..........

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