Almost all of our sorrows spring out
of our relations with other people.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
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Get Along With Everyone |
1.Can I stay
calm and composed in social or professional dealings with others;especially in
settings where sensitive/controversial/conflicting interests are involved?If
not,what means can I devise to gain calm confidence in social dealings?Do I even
consider this important?What do I stand to lose being calm,and pleasant in all social transactions?
2. Am I a constant judge of people?Do I spend the larger
chunk of my time judging,categorizing,and building mental barricades against people;instead of encountering them openly,spontaneously?
3. Can I
decide a certain threshold below which I will never stoop in terms of civility
and politeness in social dealings?Do I use swear words and epithet ,just to prove
my “toughness”,particularly because I need to project an image of sorts?
4. Do I maintain
the self control and restraint to be considerate about others’ sentiments at
all times?
5. Do I know that there is a cosmic law of cause and effect,also called the law of Karma?Do I know that all interpersonal
transactions leave an invisible psychic impression on us,positive or
negative,that operates the law of Karma?What
I do to others(in thought,word,or action) inevitably comes back to me ?Am I aware
that even what I think about others
habitually comes back to influence me and my future relationships?
6.Am I polite
and civil to so-called “insignificant”
folk mostly;waiters,cabbies,janitors,working class etc? Or am I loud and boorish?Am
I judgmental in deciding whether someone deserves assistance or help from me? Am
I confident and strong enough to help others even when they may never have the
potential to repay me?
7. According
to profound truth all our relationships,and their tendency;positive,negative,or
normal,is our own responsibility.There is something that we have surely done,in
thought, word or action that has
culminated in this tendency.Am I willing to accept responsibility for whatever is happening in my
social relationships?Do I lack the understanding ,or the courage,to accept this responsibility?
8. Can I muster
the strength,and wisdom to witness certain aspects of a relationship with detachment?Does
everybody always have to agree with me, before I start liking them, or myself ?Can
I have the creative intelligence to
constantly increase my sense of enjoyment and empowerment in relationships? Is
it possible to rid myself of imaginary projections and fallacious fears about
being short changed in relationships?
9.We invariably
harbor expectations from others; material, monetary, physical, mental, and emotional.
Can I interact with others without the colossal weight of expectations pressing on my mind?Can I drop
the yearning for approval and appreciation from others;at least for some time?And
can I extend it to longer duration?
10.We are social
inevitably facilitate our social evolution, and personal growth.Do I understand
the importance of my social relationships in this context?Can I approach
people,and all relationships objectively,as a medium of growth?Can I appreciate
that all relationships are opportunities for personal growth? Can I be strong and soft simultaneously,and like
and enjoy all people? What would that feel like?
11.Do I feel
valued and confident only when others validate me through
approval,acknowledgement,and praise?Can I build my own confidence,without relying on others’ approval for feeling good?Do I tend to feel resentful towards others
about not approving, appreciating, understanding ,or agreeing with me?
12. This is
for sure…we will all pass away one day.Assuming
we all live very long lives;by the time of my departure, what kind a person
do I want to feel I am? Wise, loving,kind, positive,happy,humourous,considerate?Or
someone with traits I would dislike witnessing in anyone else?
13. What
kind of memories of people do I usually tend to hold longer in my mind?Which
memories about people recur to me more often than others?Pleasant ,positive ones;or
“others”?Since no one from outside is tying us with a rope and “force-feeding”
memories,who is responsible for what I frequently remember about people?What
impact do my repetitive memories about people have on my life-fulfillment-index?Do I have the freedom and control over what I
choose remember about people ,or not?
14.What do I
lose doing a good turn for even those who are habitually unpleasant?Is it easy for me to say “thanks”, “sorry” ,or “please” to people even when I know
they can do nothing significant for me?What does humility mean to me?What kind
of signal does the term humility send to me in my deepest core?A signal of weakness, or of strength?What
does that say about me?
15.Can I let
go of past unpleasant stuff easily?Can I forgive completely in my
relationships?Can I adhere to the principle of “keeping my heart soft and my mind tough”.How easy or difficult is
it for me to accept the difference that all people inevitably present to my
existence?Can I easily bring myself to look for the good,pleasant ,and noble in
others,and appreciate it?Do I have the strength to openly appreciate others?
16.Am I more
bothered about what others think of me ,than what I think of them?Can I always
intend well for others?Can I habitually transmit deliberate,silent good will for everybody I meet in
life?What do I stand to lose doing that?What do I lack in taking this action;understanding?Or
17.Dr Victor
Frankl(holocaust survivor) speaks about
the importance of the gap between
stimulus and response in all activity in life.The effect of this simple discipline is amazingly powerful and progressive .How can I exploit the benefit of the gap between stimulus and
response in my interpersonal interactions?
transactions between people karma always works to bring about balance.Negativity
,at some point,in some form, returns to the originator.So does positivity.Where
do I stand in the origination of karma in my thought,word,or action where others
are concerned?
19.Do I acknowledge,
cherish,and bless goodness in people in my
life?Or instead of that,do I spend more time ruminating over unpleasant
traits in people?Do I spend more time appreciating good traits in other
people or do I usually attribute motives to their good deeds also?What kind of
a person do I become,in either case?
20.Am I over
reactive and touchy about peoples’ behavior?If I am overly touchy about
people,and overreact to their words ,and actions who is responsible finally?A
lot of our dealing with people is coloured by bias,prejudice and perception. Where
I perceive negativity in interpersonal
transactions can I practice under reacting ?Do I have the wisdom and strength to do so?
Over to you my friends..............
Wow, the Karma thing came to mind from an experience I had from a shopkeeper yesterday. The owner was so unpleasant and downright rude that it left me speechless. At first I tried to lift her up some with pleasant conversation then found myself turning sour when she made a couple rude comments. I caught myself thankfully. My thoughts turned to, "she must be having some things in her life that aren't going well." I then just let it go and didn't continue with any annoyance. I didn't let it ruin my wonderful evening with my husband. I didn't take it personal...
What I 'Did' remember was, her behavior was about 'Her' not 'Me'.
I am so grateful to do more than just change my responses to situations like this but actually change how I 'feel' about them.
Thanks for the great reminders in your post ;-)
Hi Melissa,
I respect and appreciate you for maintaining your composure when you had that not-so-pleasant run with that shopkeeper.
Sometimes it is really about "balancing the register" that gets people to surprise you.They are acting out the energy of some vague and concealed psychic impression.
Maintaining our balance at that crucial moment is critical.
Thanks for visiting Richmiraclefiles
It means a lot.
Best of luck
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