
Monday, 2 June 2014

Nurture Your Potential To Realise Your Dreams

Don't Underestimate Yourself

You are capable of much more than you presently conceive yourself to be.Stop selling yourself short.Stop underestimating yourself.Stop looking over your shoulder when you are running the race;you only discourage yourself doing that . You don’t have to  compete with  anyone because competition is relative ,and limiting.You only need to improve your own performance, only focus on bettering your own timing,your capabilities.Because this involves you alone,it is absolute, it is peaceful,and it is empowering.

Tune Into Your Dreams

Have you ever seriously tuned in?Heard yourself?What are your deepest desires?Your heartfelt longings?Your recurring dreams?They are the fires inside your core,smouldering at spark level.Have you been snuffing them out until now?Or are you in the process of fanning their flames to full glory?Indeed,you are much more gifted and capable than you care to believe.Allow yourself to surge ahead and just step out of your own way.Make good friends with your hidden talents,capacities,and abilities;not with your shadowy doubts.They are finally just that.Shadows.

Tend To Your Capabilities

Your capabilities are saplings which beg your own careful handling in their tender days.They are the fuel for the fire of your dreams.Work with them one step at a time.They will astound you with theur capacity to flower, bloom ,and grow into tall, strong structures.Your dreams are yearning to join hands with your capabilities.Let them.
Do not ever allow any cynic to step onto the fertile soil of your mind,to plant seeds of doubt and despair.Make sure your capabilities are always well protected In their early days.Later it will be their turn to fortify you ,when they take on the world, and crown you with achievements.

How Do You Expand Your Abilities

  • ·        Make  a list of all your capacities,however modest.You can walk,you can talk,you can move,you can hear,you can read,you can write,you can learn.There are so many abilities to line up.
  • ·        Frequently put to practice your new found capacities.Regular use sharpens them.
  • ·        Teach others how to do  things which you yourself intend to master. Interestingly, it is a known fact that you  learn best when you  instruct.
  • ·        Cross link your capabilities. Interconnect them.There are innumerable variations you can arrive at, to exploit and achieve your goals.
  • ·        Nurture your capacities through different levels. Challenge yourself to do better each time.
  • ·        Do not rest till you reach the next higher level of ability.
  • ·        For all sought after capabilities, break them down into levels,sub levels,sub sub levels.Then traverse up the levels.Go at them one step at a time. Your progress will amaze you .


While committing yourself to increasing your capability, stop imposing self generated limitations.Some limitations are figments of imagination;constraints of education, culture,gender, age, time, environment, or history,are rusty barriers. They have been broken in the past and will continue to be trashed in the future as well. No champ ever stopped at imaginary obstacles.

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