Just Try to Like Him .......It Ususally Woks |
entire lives are spent with people and in relationships. They dominate a major
part of our living and our lives.Interactions with family,friends,work associates,clients,office collegues,neighbours,strangers,or any human being is
clubbed under inter-people interaction.
It is
worth examining how we move through our lives with people,how we deal with
them,what we feel about them,how that affects us ,and our lives.
Influence of People in Our Lives
way people touch our lives and influence our thought and outlook towards
life,few other things do.We may say reading affects our lives equally
strongly.Well,yes and no.Because reading touches us deeply,yet at the
sensory-level only our eyes and minds are involved. But ornery people bring to
us something far more profound, multi dimensional, multi sensory and lasting
that leaves us with a different estimate of our surroundings and future.However
we are not to discount the few diligent and intelligent folks who,by sheer dint
of effort imbibe much from books and reading and books.For now we will stick to
our focus ,that is people and what we end up doing with them.
Value from Others
we interact with people we need to be sure about what value we can gain by our
interaction with them.Not an avaricious, greedy grab and run attitude of using
and throwing people ;but an attitude of simultaneous humility and strength
which urges us to find meaning in the most innocuous interaction with every one
around us.By the way "interaction" also includes our
conceptualisation ,our thoughts,our memories, and our expectations of others. That's
because whenever we think of any one in any way we are actually
interacting with them on the mental plane.The fact is that we can generate
value for ourselves from our conceptualisations also.
said ,it is very interesting to note where we usually falter in our approach
to people, and interpersonal interaction with them.We often slip up in so many
ways.This is how it pans out:-
- Comparisons.Our all
pervasive comparisons with people,which originate form our compulsive need
to prove we're better than others,in some way or the other.
- Impulsive
impulse to inevitably search for what's not likeable about the other
person.This is a deeply ingrained impulse,imbibed from our environment.
- Refrain From Credit to Others.The subtle
manipulations of our stealthily dominant ego, disallows us from mentally
conceding any credit to others.This could be anything varying from good
looks,fine tastes, intellectual qualities,skills,accomplishments,physical
- I Must Rule
The World. Our
tendency to always come out on top and the subtle yet strong urge to 'rule
the world',materailly,intellectually or physically.
- Lash Out
are ruled by the undying need to always be applauded and
acknowledged,which causes us to recoil instantly and also lash out when
this approval is witheld for any reason.
- Distorted
View.The prism
of old memories, through which we observe the present person before us,
may be telling a false tale.We may believe we know where the other person
is 'coming from',and how to interpret their motives.Yet we may not
be in a position to accept the present truth if it has transcended the distorted
concept of the past.
- Response
to Missing Validation. Like kids ,there is a constant internal
hunger within us that demands validation from others .We must be always
understood,totally and unquestioningly.This hunger says that the onus of
understanding lies on others,not us.The insistence is they must
understand us first.And then,we may consider
what they have to offer.Often, when this validation is missing, the result
is resentment.
- Vengeful
is the vengeance virus crawling under our skin,which
wants us to pay back in the same coin,when we believe we
have been repudiated.Sarcasm is the mildest form of this virus,and the
full blown form is physical retribution.
- Opinionated
others based on a third person's opinion is quite a common pitfall.It only
isolates us from reality.
- Lack of Self
of self esteem,self love,and confidence in our own goodness, when
interacting with others will usually result in coming away from that
meeting with feelings of inadequacy,and subconsciously, planned avoidance for future.
- Disdain for
Other Types.We
may harbor a strong preference for only people of our own types,since
that makes life so convenient.The consequence of our percieved
inconvenience is unjustified disdain for others who are not our
- Hypersensitive
Response.There are times when no one means harm to us yet
we may feel we have been wronged,we have been denounced,and hence feel piqued.An
oversensitive outlook is at the root of a lot of low self esteem,and interpersonal
That’s all for now
my friends,its over to you
Find the good in people is so so true Mona. If we would only look for the good in everything every day, people, our world, our relationships, our life...we'd probably be astonished at how much good there is.
Great post.
Hi Elle,
That's rightly said.
We do need to spend more time in appreciating others because it exercises us.It exercises our emotional muscles.
It requires courage and guts to do so.
It amazes me how many people share the "I hate people" sentiment. I pride myself on being a "people person"
Thanks Poppy,
Welcome to my blog nad your insight.
It's great to meet a people's person.
And let me say any one who gets along with more people is blessed,and it's a mark of your leadership.
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