
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Come On Now Confess It ! Words Do Define Your Life

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Bible
Embrace The Power of Words.Just Do It!

Words:The Basic Building Blocks

Is it intriguing to know that entire mankind and this vast civilisational setup is founded on one tiny unit of creation?That is the word.Massive headway has been made in science and technology and continues to be made,to bring more convenience,comfort ,and happiness into our lives.And this is only possible
because man can think.Thinking ,in turn,relies on that simple “brick” of thought;the humble word.Yes it’s a scientific fact,you simply cannot think without words.Try thinking of anything without any word coming to prop up that thought.Try it just now.See? So the word is an extremely important tool with which you lead your entire life. Yet few realize it’s immense power to create.And destroy.

Potency Of Words

Just as the Bible says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” other spiritual traditions also impress the same.The ancient Hindu sages maintained that each word was “mantramoolam”,carrying the potency of a  mantra ,when repeatedly employed with specific intention.The Buddha also taught about the power of the spoken word.This is pretty evident when we see the power of the word played out in our modern world.Whether it is an interaction between family members,between professional colleagues, business dealings,or between nations,cultures, or civilizations.The power of the word is succinctly understood by the diplomatic professions,and hence the misconstrued and perverse connotation attached to ‘diplomatic language’.Without digressing from the subject,or defending diplomats specifically,the deft employment of language as a tool to assuage unnecessary conflict in routine human interaction is a science worth learning by every cultured and educated person .


“The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.”Socrates

We must understand the fact that the word has the power to turn national,and international destinies; and our own as well.Our words have a subliminal, hypnotic effect on ourselves and on others we interact with.Whether we realize that or not.We often end up believing our words ,and those of others more than we acknowledge the phenomenon.They surely have the power to transform things around us.Each word we utter is a subtle energy being radiated out of our mind body complex,and it certainly must lend itself to the reconfiguration of our experience depending on the intent “vibration”behind it.Some people seem to cast a spell when they speak.Some quickly repel. Next time around observe their words,the jargon they use,their terminology.This is their tool for communicating with the world.

Framework of Experience

Most certainly the words we employ become the framework of our experience.They seem to “box” our experiences ,so to speak.They are the wellsprings of our emotions,which meekly tumble out into our waking lives, under the mesmerizing beckon of a few inconspicuous words.Do you often feel exasperated,or irritated,or overwhelmed?It may help to stand back and objectively evaluate the words you habitually use.They actually  maybe determining much more of your experience of life than you care to imagine.This is all the more evident when you observe that two different people ,under the same circumstances may have very different responses.This depends on what they choose to think.What words they choose to define their experience with.Very powerful.Yet little known,and even less acknowledged.

Here is what motivational speaker Tony Robbins has to say about the power of your words:-
“Consider this example: In a business meeting with two partners, the same event triggered a dramatically different response in each person. The CEO went into an absolute rage, whereas the second partner seemed to have no reaction at all.
The enraged CEO believed that “rage” made him stronger and enabled him to deal with the situation. Rage was his way out of pain. Conversely, the partner who felt only “mildly annoyed” was acting on a belief that getting too upset would make him lose control of the situation, and that would mean too much pain. He wasn’t disassociating; he honestly was not feeling the intense anger.
This is the essence of Transformational Vocabulary: the words that we attach to our experience become our experience.”
 So words do tend to become your experience.

 Change Your "Wordability" 

Do you use  swear words frequently?How often do you use accusatory words?Do you complain in so many words  to others,to yourself?Do you express regretful words?How often do you use the worry word?” "I’m worried”?"I’m afraid"?How often do you use the HATE word?I’ll kill him/her"'?(even in jest)?"Go to hell"?"Hop"?
You know,each of these harmless bunch of alphabets has a finite energy field around it.And every bit of energy ,once released creates in accordance with its potency.Remember good ol’ Einstein “energy converts to matter”…Perhaps you were not aware of this till now.Perhaps you were aware and chose not to care.Well the choice to use your words is always yours,it always was.Yet the results which follow some of your habitual “chants” may not entirely reflect what you preferred really.So how good is your choice?Not always will you find your choice of words,that enery field,manifesting exactly in literal conformity to the word,but the likely outcome will be somewhere quite close to the context of the energy generated.Sooner or later.

Try Altering Your Word-Usage

Substitute the positive for the negative.Break the pattern.Decide to use softer words(they are not any less effective,remember the example of the angry CEO and his partner?).
Does it sound like too much of a tall order to change your habitual vocab?Evolving a new vocab is critical to your own growth materially,intellectually,and spiritually.Though it is another interesting subject,I  am deliberately refraining from launching onto that tag yet.Simply because I’d prefer that we mull upon what we have read through till now,word for word(pun unintended!)
The most comfortable option we can look at for now is to focus our attention on altering our word spells over five broad aspects of our life:-

Our Past. Remember only the best memories.

Our Future.Expect the very best outcomes

Our Present. Focus on the best and thank everything good in the present.

Our Relationships. Stop judging others.Speak about ,and intend the best for others.

Our Own Selves.Love ourselves intensely,frequently,unconditionally.

What words we use to define the experiences in five major ares of life are important. They do make a difference to our fulfillment.If we are convinced,or even persuaded by this premise there is absolutely no harm using the “choicest”  words for every small and big thing of life!

And why not?After all, words are free of cost.


Vishnu said...

hi Mona, as you've pointed out in this thorough article on words and language, words have a way of shaping our experiences. So why not try to keep them positive and reflective of what we are experiencing. It does in fact give us a lens in which to view our experiences. Negative ones will give us negative experience and positive words will give us postive experiences.

I used to work in law as a lawyer and know that words can have a lot of different meanings to a judge or jury. I was regularly trying to be mindful of my word usage and became more aware of them.

As writers too, each word we use can have such varying meaning. Word usage in writing is a fun exercise because we can spend minutes or hours reflecting on a word and trying to find just the write one to express our feelings, emotions and understanding of circumstances.

Unknown said...

Hi Vishnu
Thanks for highlighting the importance of words in your profession.It is a fact that words have an extreme potency.The more you exercise control the better it is for everyone involved.
Interestingly a lot of research and study has recently gone in to the effect words have on water crystals.It is intriguing to note the photographic evidence of words on water crystals.Positive words leave systematic geometric patterns,negative words leave erratic ugly impressions.More on this later.
Thanks for your views