
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Happiness Increases With Well Remembered Interpersonal Interactions

    How we interpret our reality or relationships is vital to our effectiveness.Also the way we store and record our responses and interpersonal interactions for future determines the shape of the relationships .In fact this is the most important step because it carries the potential energy for future growth as well.
     It is worth examining the possibilities of creative storage.

 What Happens vs How We Respond.How we respond to a situation is much more important than what happens.If we keep our self worth,our self love intact then our after event response will be less traumatic or frustrating . We can file such events deliberately with the intention of remaining emotionally effective.It is important to remember that there are no perfect circumstances but only perfect attitudes.The way we store an after event memory can be empowering or dis empowering. It is empowering when you are capable of dismissing disturbing incidents quickly and not attaching much importance to them than necessary.It is even more empowering when you have discipline to turn adversity into advantage.

Do Not Recall Any Thing With Loathing.The more frequently you remember anything with loathing ,resentment ,resistance the more you fill your aura with the passion of negativity.This negativity is certain to attract more such unpleasant vibrations.Like always attracts like.Hence the end result will not be pleasant either.Again, it is a matter of good discipline .Resentment and loathing sit like a time bomb ,ready to explode into ugly behavior at the smallest provocation.Eliminate them ,and you will be unburdened of needless trash.

Quickly Get Over Whatever Has Happened.This is a skill .Getting over something that does not benefit you or others quickly is an art,and it can be learnt.It must be learnt .Practice and discipline is the shortcut .The benefits are many ,and you must get clear about the benefits first.Quick getting over is simply the mastery over fuming and fretting,and ruminating ad nauseum over something that happened that you did not prefer.Instead of vexing over it ,or determining to avenge a wrong with another wrong, the most constructive alternative is always available.That is simply to enter a state of poise and ,calmness.Quickly let go ,teach yourself to be lighthearted about minor things in life.Remember  the saying “be calm about all minor issues.Secondly all issues are essentially minor issues”. 

Change The Story Of Your Past .What do you keep telling yourself about your expended days and moments?This is important ,because the story of your past lodged inside your mind is also going to shape your future .Most likely you will continue generating the same stories in future as well.Since your stories are going to repeat  themselves, it is better to have  a good story about your past.The story of your past should be a saga of happiness,accomplishments,sweet moments,loving moments,self love,peace, poise,nobility,strength and a lot of good will given to others.The story of your past certainly does need to exclude the unnecessary bitterness,the sour tastes,the crudities,the guilt,the regrets,the fears,the mistakes made by others,and yourself.The story of your past can become worthwhile to you when you place some learning value on it,some thing to smile about and feel happy about.Interestingly the beautiful part is that you are writing the story of your past every  waking moment of your life.Your story can be different,it can be unique ,and exquisite.It definitely does not have to follow what others want you to narrate.Every one can have their own script,and you can have yours.Very different and very interesting .To you.

Do Not Remain Stuck In One Incident. Any one incident need not dislodge us from our rightful  place of peace,poise,strength,confidence,esteem,and well being.We need not be doomed for ever.The cosmos is too big for such narrow and foolishly confining thought processes.So one particular interaction with somebody ,or disturbing transactions with any one particular individual should not cause us to view all interactions through a similar prism in future as well.Also it helps to recall that any one specific interaction with anyone is only an isolated incident  with someone.You will not necessarily be faced with the same situation again.By the law of averages you will get to face varying  situations time to time.


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