
Thursday, 4 July 2013


Knock Out Your Own  Lazy Comfort First
When you work consistently and work hard nothing can steal your success from you;like the famous saying goes "anything worth having is worth working for".You simply have to face the reality of rolling your sleeves up if you want to achieve anything deserving your  yearning. And you must yearn,because that alone guarantees your growth. But having yearned you need to make good friends with hard work.

Get Over The Irrational Fear Of Failure And Act Despite The Risk

The easiest  thing to do for anyone is to not work.When you don’t act you are unlikely to make mistakes ,or fail.The fear of failure and unrequited results is the greatest  dissuader  cultivated by a weak willed mind.It takes you no where.Imagine what would have happened had Einstein,Wright brothers ,or Edison ,or Ford ,or any of the great innovators been so nonplussed by fear of failure?

Lucky for us.They didn’t.

Action is rooted in every zillionth atom of the universe.Action alone helps you as a human being to stay alive.Not just your voluntary action of earning your meal,but the scores of unseen ,unaccounted actions that occur every second that you breathe.Your digestion,your blood circulation,your body temperature control,and on and on?.So how can you ever get away from acting?The only difference is that whenever you act consciously you open the doorway for your own progress towards your desired destiny.You move a step closer to your set goals.

What  Is The Attitude To Work That Benefits  You?

Undoubtedly selfless action is the best attitude to  work that you can muster.Selfless work has two connotations:
a ) Not doing work for selfish interest alone.Your intention is not just to help yourself but others as well.You derive satisfaction and confidence  from helping others.
b) Doing work without concern about the  result ,or reward.You work because you enjoy doing work that is fulfilling for you ,possibly which helps others in the process.Certainly you are not doing that work for the sake of accomplishment ,accolade and approval alone.

Beginnings Are Challenging
Remember work is the most basic tool you have at your disposal.Without work nothing ever moves forward,nothing gets achieved,and nothing gets better.Whenever something happens someone makes it happen.Lethargy and indolence are very good short term  companions,but in the long term they only ask you to keep looking at what you could have achieved.Progress only happens when you work long enough.

Work Is The Proverbial Action That Begets Reaction.

Work is action and every action begets a reaction that comes with the promise of propelling you forward to success.Whenever you set out to work it is the possibility of improvement  and growth that gets latched onto you.You influence the work done in direct proportion to how much you like the job at hand ,and how sincerely you intend to do it.Needless to say ,sincere intent always brings sincere results.
Despite that we have to be bold enough to  accept the unconventional also.That’s why sometimes it is even better to do a half hearted job than none at all.Then in all honesty work at  improving the previous result.Man! you will be well on your way to high success.

However much you may like to sink into ennui, progress and accomplishment  just don’t arrive that way.It’s important to always focus on the fact that your aim is effortlessness ,not worklessness. The one is efficiency in motion ,and the other is a surety for entropy,despair and unfulfilled dreams.Nothing in the universe moves forward without  action;that is why even the electrons within the atom are in permanent action.In fact, even to stay in equilibrium we need to be “in action”.Not inaction.

There is absolutely no escape from action,from work.Anywhere,anytime.And if that is so then it makes sense to engage in high value activity which takes us closer to our dreams and goals.

Whenever You Force Yourself  To Work It Pays in The Long Term

Roll 'Em Up N' Get Goin'
When you have to produce results you may have to get after yourself.When you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by your action,it is the greatest service you render to yourself  when you get going.Often when you start a  new project the initial zeal wears off after a while, and it’s like your “parachute” of inner resistance opening up gradually.That is the time you need to guard yourself against the slow descent .Things appear  to spiral out of your hands but that is exactly what keeps you mired in a saga of unfulfilled  dreams.Stop this trend by simply going for the jugular.

Just work.Regardless of your performance,and  your fantasy of achieving perfection in your work.Even if the results you produce appear amateurish keep at it because those very imperfections and follies will serve as fertilizer for your success,simply because they help you learn how to do things better.

Recall how you learnt to walk perfectly?You just  kept tottering around,falling down ,getting up, brushing it off and tottering again.Finally you tottered no more,you walked your perfect gait.You never got bored of falling and getting up again and again.That is why you finally mastered walking straight and walking long.You simply need to emulate that baby experience again and again in pursuit of your goals all along your life.

Just  maintain a simple,humble faith in your work.

Work Alone Has The Magical Power To Propel You Forward To Your Goal

 Work ensures that you sow seeds for the crop you desire to harvest.The truth is that your desires are your crop.And the work you put in,the action you invest  into your goals, is the seed that inevitably germinates into your crop.But when you have no seed,no action,there is no harvest,no goal.That is why sometimes it is better to engage in imperfect action instead of  perfect inaction.That way you escape the tyranny of your ego which works at cross purpose with the  alibis  of producing perfect action,which is evidently a very tall order for the resistant mind.Remember,even after that imperfect piece of work you have all the freedom to improve what you've achieved. 

Roll Up Your Sleeves Before  You  Sink Into The Intoxication Of  Inaction

  Inaction ,and the slumbering comfort it offers is very inviting.Yet accepting this very comfort and inactivity itself is the beginning of your pact with disappointment and failure.Procrastination and postponement  are good friends of inaction .But they  don’t  travel with you on the road to success.The road to success is lined with a lot of action. Action borne sometimes out of zeal ,but more often out of discipline;yet action it always is.That is why the diligent guy is frequently  found strolling along “success boulevard”.
Finally ,if you want to empower yourself, work hard and gain confidence.The confidence of mastering your weaknesses, which scream at you  to stop wasting your  time putting in so much effort when others seem to be having a blast.That is the difference between the sour and sweet fruit of  short lived activity and long lasting action.

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