
Sunday, 12 May 2013


Fear Is An Artifact Of Our Own Creation

Human life comprises of circumstances that keep changing.This change also brings with it  situations that we desire to experience or ,which we desire to avoid.Whenever we avoid something it grows into a larger field of worry ,resentment,agitation,disturbance and many negative and  inexplicable emotions.Essentially we fear something that  we avoid ,which we ourselves have created.We fear our own creations.

Fear can control major chunks of our life period,without us coming to realise  that we ourselves s have given  birth to the Frankenstein in the first place .Yet the very fear that troubles us in our sleep takes flight the moment we illuminate the dark corners of our mind with a even a little knowledge.Whether we realise or not knowledge is also the seed of courage invariably.The knowledge to differentiate  between  the real and the unreal,the knowledge to remove the disturbing ,niggling fears that seems to harass us unnecessarily, the knowledge to stand up to our own inner enemies which are sometimes far stronger than any enemy outside on the street or battlefield.

Fears Feed On A Steady Diet

You only have to turn towards your fears and face them squarely,not keep running away from their imaginary influences throughout life.Often the imagined fear is a ghost of our own manufacturing.We ourselves are the culprit and the victim,simultaneously.We never realize that fear itself feeds heartily on the diet of our own attention. Just starve the monster of it’s diet and  watch it die a sure and swift death.The paralysis we face initially at the mere thought of the fearful possibility makes a mockery of our infinite abilities ,which we possess within ourselves.
Fear is also a byproduct of our inner confusions. The more clarity we possess within your heart the less likely is fear  to harass us;whether it is clarity of purpose ,clarity of values,clarity of know how.When our goals are not mere, piffling wishes ;sometimes on ,other times off,there is little  chance of fear taking refuge amongst the labyrinths of our infinite potential and our capabilities.Fear  dwells where abundant morsels of our our negative thinking thrive.

Two Dogs Fight Where There Is Food

Its  just like what that Red Indian told his chief “there are two dogs inside me at all times.There is a fearful dog, and there is a courageous dog .They always fight each other.Which ever dog wins stays on top and runs my heart .If the  fearful dog wins he fills my heart with fear ,if the courageous dog wins he fills my heart with courage”. “So which dog  wins most of the time my Brave?” the chief asked  the young  warrior.”The one I feed the most”,said the warrior.Our fears have the innate power to drain us of our power and that is something we willfully hand over to the fear.The result is that our responses to life are inconsistent. They  are dictated by the unpredictability of the good or bad “winning dog” at a given moment.What we need is  the good dog,the fearless one, to win all the time,to enjoy our own  effectiveness at dealing with life.

Make The Good Dog Win


·       Step up to  your fears and you’ll be surprised to see them diminish.If you run from your fears, you only give them more power.
·       Let your fears instruct you,teach you,.Be bold enough to learn from them  and they will no longer be able to immobilise  your actions. Courage is the automatic end product when look at those fears, listen to them and  learn from them.
·       Introspect a bit and ask  yourself what you fear the most? Admit it to yourself and face that fear.
·       Practice  to turn problems into opportunities.You won’t even need extra courage to achieve success,your diligence and creativity  itself will take care of your success.
·       Decide to follow the correct course ,even if it is the more difficult and unpopular choice.You will then be able to turn the situation forward though there seemed to be no hope.
·       When you live with joy and purpose in the present, with a bit of detachment about the results,you will experience a sense of power that breaks through the  restraining  clutches of  limitations.
·       Be absolutely clear about  the goals you have set, without undue apprehension about the potential ups and down en route . Surely you will able to blaze a path for yourself once your vision is clear.

Fear Need Not Be A Repetitive Pattern

Success doesn't always come to the strongest or more capable man ,but to the one who believes he can succeed .After weeks of  training, when you take your car out  for the first solo  drive,your ability do do so makes a mockery of your  trepidation ,your fear and worry.This is a repetitive pattern you witness in most fearful situations,most fears turn out to be imaginary.


Your fear is a small hillock which invites you to surmount it .Once you do so it allows you behold a beautiful landscape filled with your  abilities,possibilities,hopes,and a future overflowing  with success.

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