
Friday, 17 May 2013


I Have Company

I was walking home one cold winter evening when,suddenly out of the thicket,two young men appeared and began walking towards me.They were tall,fair,impressive  ,and I thought that they resembled each other closely.They began to walk alongside me silently,and appeared serious as if they wanted to share something with me, or offer me advice.

I had spent the evening at my friend ,Neil’s house and I had been enjoying myself.Though I did like Neil’s company ,there were some traits about Neil that I wish he did not possess,like his sense of humour.I was the serious 
type.Anyway,I shrugged it off and continued my way .I was disinclined to talk,yet somehow my two companions got me talking,and soon we were discussing my friend Neil and the good time I had had .

Shortly I reached my house ,which was isolated from the rest of the block.I asked my friends if they would like to have coffee with me.They accepted and we walked indoors.By now they appeared to be pretty familiar with every thing in my house;even the old ,rusty weighing balance kept in the corner by the fire place.

 We Discuss At Length

By and by the conversation again steered to discussing my friend,Neil.It was ,then that both of them pointed out to me certain unwholesome traits in my friend.They gave me a detailed rundown of a lot of his antics ,which confirmed that these guys  genuinely knew him.Neil did sometimes become too sarcastic in his humour. But whatever else they told me about him proved quite clearly that Neil was a cunning ,crafty, scheming ,unreliable person.Certainly not bosom pal material.I was irritated,and also disappointed at this turn of events.Even though I did not  say much to my new friends but,I  inwardly decided to stay clear of deceitful people like Neil, for good.

These two guys ,otherwise, were genial and  good natured. They also shared a lot in common is with me .I loved Matt Damon movies,Roald Dhal,and skate boarding.So  did they.Finally they left,just as I was insisting they had dinner with me.

I Am Lost As Never Before

While leaving, they requested me for my weighing balance.I gave it to them laughingly,since it was not much use to me anyway. They promised to return it to me the next day, since they didn't live too far from my place.I closed the door,and sat thinking for a long time.I had dinner alone,and went to bed.I was restless and fitful.I couldn't sleep.I was again annoyed,irritated,disappointed,and above all,apprehensive.What if the other friends, that I had, also turned out to be like Neil.I felt pretty lost.Some where close to dawn, I dozed off.

I was walking down the road ,on the way back home from Neil’s place when suddenly out of the thicket a young man joined me on my walk.He was tall,fair,handsome ,and smiling.He greeted me cheerfully , “Hi” he said “my father, Deep Wisdom, has asked me to meet you”.I only looked on in amazement;he looked strikingly familiar.He offered his hand “I am Intellect.And I came along only have to tell you that you had two visitors last night.They both are brothers,and very dangerous company.They have been misleading a lot of people,carrying stories.They are extremely deft at inducing suspicion.Certainly very good at ruining relationships.They make you compare ,and they make you judge.And,being with them, lots of people have lost their balance as well”.

“Who ..who were they?”I stuttered.Oddly I had even forgotten to ask their names, I recollected in dismay.My companion, Intellect, smiled, “they are particularly good at making you forget to ask their names”.

Lost Balance 

Now I remembered that I was so engrossed in hating my friend Neil that I had  forgotten to ask their names as well. “Who were they?”,I asked Intellect again. “They were the infamous twins,Comparison and Judgement .Now you know,being with them, you have also lost your balance?”.I woke with a start.I had been dreaming.It was early morning and it was raining outside.

I hurried down to the fireplace to look for my weighing balance.Yes it was not there in it’s usual place.

Being with Comparison and Judgement ,I had indeed lost my balance!

Please, dear friends, I ask you to be careful.Whenever you happen to meet Comparison and Judgement in the streets of life ,don't have long chats with them.If you do that ,like me, you will also lose your balance.

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