Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in
others belong to us as well - Voltaire
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Wow I Love Being With You |
One of the major goals of human life
is to evolve in consciousness through our interaction with the world.It is
important to remember that evolution of consciousness doesn't mean mere
intellectual or mental development.It is even more essential to evolve emotionally
& spiritually.Spiritually,because that is exactly who we all essentially
are;spirits in human form.However much we may attempt to ignore,deny or decry
this fact .And evolving our consciousness has to inevitably unfold through our
interaction with this interesting, material world.
This includes the most
important ingredient;other people and our relationship with them,our dealing with them.And even more critically,the influence of our social dealings on our
own consciousness.
So here goes……..
1.Ignore The Obvious “Small Things” In Others.
Everybody has some obvious weak spots,that
make them human.And they are okay despite the obvious warts and moles in their
personality,in fact there is an element of good in their shortcoming.Not
because they are literally perfect but because you get an opportunity to practice your greatness.Yes you can and
must become great through your dealing with others people.
2.Practice It Consistently In Daily Life.
Habits are important in formulating
your responses on a consistent basis.This is in fact the basis of character
building.Consistently practice being good to people you interact with. So when
you meet others make it a point to project good intent in your eyes,in your
tone,your words,and in your feelings.It is a constant,relentless commitment.Not
some sporadic fleeting wave of do good emotion.
3.Emulate The Good Samaritan.
Do good for others.Help them
unconditionally ,without expecting anything in return.This attitude not only
fortifies your resolve to clear your karma but it also strengthens your moral muscles.
4.Become A Giver.
Yes become a giver.Have an attitude of
giving to people.Do you know that even liking and enjoying other people’s
company is an act of giving?That’s because you are giving your intention of appreciation and liking,as you hold back
your social programming of judging and criticizing.
Sir Richard Branson,the great leader, achiever
and legendary tycoon, consistently stresses on the importance of liking people,if
you genuinely intend to be a great leader and achiever.So get into the habit of
giving your attention to the good in others always.When you meet someone,speak
about them ,or even think of them focus on their good only.Particularly when
you are physically with them, radiate strong vibes of good intent.It may take
some practice if you are not accustomed to this line of thinking.But the
results are phenomenal simply because the
law of attraction quickly goes to work
here.You can try it anytime ,with anyone.
Just drop your constant search beam of
doubt,suspicion,ill will, judgment for a while and see what unfolds .What you
give out must come back to you.You may say “that’s all very well,but I am a police detective and my job requires me to
look out for suspects ”.Well that is a
professional and functional necessity but even then it does not mean the
policeman must go around suspecting everybody under the sun.Apart from a scientific professional approach to his job he doesn't have to muddy
his “emotional body”,on a permanent
You may be a corporate executive,or a successful businessman who cannot afford to let quality of product or service decline on the professional front.By all means,you must do all that is necessary to execute your professional charter honestly.But it is worth asking yourself ,“is unkindness,rudeness,ill intent,criticism the only solution to the sincere professional conduct?
5.The Attitude Of Letting Go.
There is really no need to go
ballistic over minor stuff.And this is where your resilience and perspective
comes in . Someone rightly said about putting things in correct perspective
“all issues are minor issues”.Nothing really is so serious that you must get
worked up and negative towards someone for things that will be forgotten
squarely a week later.
Don’t hold grudges (a silent cousin of ill will) because
they have a habit of pinning you down with their dead weight,while you are grasping on to them.You are the one being harmed
eventually.Just let some things go.Almost
everybody is different and they have a right to be so,whether that
pleases you or not.And your job is not to change others.
6.Take Reference Of History
countless people who populated different centuries in the past. They lived a
life full of borrowed beliefs about
social conduct .They too were impolite in return for brusqueness ,rude; gave an
eye for an eye,tit for tat,and let off negative emotions freely.They boxed themselves inside a mechanical
“stimulus-response” cycle while they lived.Then they passed away.What good was
it?Was it any good at all for their consciousness?
guess they just lost the plot somewhere in the midst of aping others’ attitudes
and behaviour. They just couldn't bring themselves to be brave enough to try on
new rules of social engagement.To be good to others in-spite of contrary
expectations by their social groups.
intent underscores the importance of building huge reserves of personal strength.So much so, that even if you are a
soldier on the battle field you will fight to kill; but out of a sense of duty.Paradoxically,if you are
strong enough, you will be kind at heart even to your enemy in battle,even as
you act to kill him.Hatred ,resentment ,ill will ,revenge has no place in the
psychic dictionary of the strong man.
it not true that you are either being rude for fear of being taken advantage of
,or because you really do not care about others’ sentiments, or the deeply
harmful impact on your own karma?”
it takes persistence and a courageous intellect to comprehend and practice the kind of good will we are
talking about.